Ken Boon

I first met Rob Botterell about 10 years ago when he went to bat for us in our challenge to the just approved Site C dam project.  It quickly became obvious to our members that Rob was much more than a regular lawyer.  The level of enthusiasm, engagement, and energy he brought to the mix was incredible, and we were constantly impressed with his innovation and strategic thinking.  Site C of course did proceed, but in no way is that a reflection of Rob or his abilities.  In fact, the energy expert and others engaged by Rob during our legal challenges and the BCUC Hearing had a great influence that definitely moved the needle, but sadly in the end it was fraught political decision making that trumped common sense and due process.

Filling the space left by Adam Olsen in Saanich North and the Islands requires a rock-solid candidate, and when I think about the qualifications that make for a great MLA, Rob Botterell fits that perfectly.  His life experience and personality will be an incredible asset to his constituents and to the Green Party of BC.

Rob has threatened to retire in the past, but his driving ambition to do important work always gets in the way, and society is better off because of that!     

 Ken Boon, President
Peace Valley Landowner Assoc.